As a versatile process engineering company and skid manufacturer, EPIC Systems has consulted for pharmaceutical medication companies, aircraft manufacturers and many industries in between. Regardless of the industry, each of our clients benefits from streamlined communications, high-quality fabrication, and delivery of their project in the industry’s fastest time-to-market. Below are three classic examples of how modular skid fabrication offers better, more cost-efficient solutions within a short project timeline.
Hygienic Process System Design and Fabrication for Multinational Pharmaceutical Company
EPIC designed and fabricated ten sanitary process systems for a multinational pharmaceutical company that recently announced a $2-billion expansion of their medicine-manufacturing operations. EPIC provided design-build services for two solvent recovery hygienic process systems and eight mixing sanitary process systems. All sanitary and hygienic process systems were designed at EPIC and subsequently fabricated, inspected and Factory Acceptance Tested (FAT) in EPIC’s isolated sanitary fabrication shop. EPIC verified all materials of construction (MTR) and certificates of conformance (COM) and implemented stringent traceability procedures to ensure that all skid fabrication met ASME BPE requirements. For photos and additional information about this project, click here.
High-Pressure Pneumatic System Prevents Critical Errors for Fighter Jets
Boeing hired EPIC to provide an engineered solution that would allow American fighter pilots to fire missiles at speeds approaching Mach 2 without the danger of internal explosion. Boeing’s problem was that missiles could not be separated from the bay of $120-million fighter jets if released above Mach 1 speeds, causing critical pilot and aircraft danger. At speeds lower than Mach 1, the fighter jets could have been located and attacked. EPIC Systems provided a custom high-pressure pneumatic system, designed to allow our nation’s pilots to deploy weaponry at high speeds approaching Mach 2.
Rocket sled testing for this project could have been costly without proper engineering and planning. The high-pressure system had to work correctly before it was tested on the rocket sled track. The internal components of the rocket sled could not fail or malfunction and components of the sled had to work consistently under intense pressure. Front End Engineering was an essential stage of the custom system design. Successful rocket sled testing was made possible by EPIC’s high pressure pneumatic system performing flawlessly. For more information on this project, click here.
Pipe Fabrication Services for Vaporization Plant Upgrades
EPIC fulfilled a customer’s needs for pipe fabrication services by designing and installing a corrosion-resistant industrial pipe bridge for a vaporization plant. Fit-up was verified before shipment and all piping was hydrotested to customer and ASME 150psi specifications. EPIC’s pipe fabrication services included rack fabrication at EPIC and installation as a complete “plug-and-play” unit over a set of existing railroad tracks. One core challenge of this project was that the pipe bridge had to be installed over railroad tracks without interrupting rail or plant operations. To read more about this project, click here.
To find a project example that is similar to your process engineering or skid fabrication needs, visit our case studies page or call 314-806-1678 to speak with an engineer.