This spring EPIC hosted a Mini-Engineers event at its manufacturing and engineering facility here in St. Louis. We teamed up with The Greater St. Louis Area Council Boy Scouts of America to create a fun engineering focused day that included race car designing, tin-foil boat sinking and melting Styrofoam in solvents. The day included an opportunity for the scouts to earn a badge and was part of EPIC’s new effort to get our youth interested in engineering.
Along with having over 60 participants, and a plethora of EPIC engineers on hand, we also hosted the SLU aviation team and the Washington University Formula Car team. Both teams showed up prepared to share some of their cool projects and answer any questions our boy scouts had.
Following the event, we put together a video to highlight the day’s activities. EPIC has a STEM education initiative. This is something that we all really enjoy doing, and something we will continue doing in the future.
Recently, the Boy Scouts of America wrote a blog about STEM education featuring our event. EPIC is excited about STEM education for kids and aims to inspire the next generation of engineers.