Ask An Engineer: Chemical Plant Design

by | EPIC Systems, Inc

Ask An Engineer: Chemical Plant Design with Mike Wodicker

Question: What is a main concern when you are working on a system for an industrial chemical plant? 


Answered by Mike Wodicker, an EPIC Chemical Project Manager: A main focus that has to be taken into account when you are designing a system for an industrial chemical plant is accounting for all process hazards and designing in the necessary safety measures. This comes with the territory of working with systems that are running under high temperatures and intense pressure. Working with flammables is dangerous, but this danger is amplified when a system operates with flammable chemicals at temperatures that exceed their flash point.

When working with flammable chemicals, a purge strategy should always be designed into each chemical pilot plant or distillation system. Typically, a purge system consists of eliminating the oxygen that is present in a system and displacing it with an inert gas like nitrogen. In a tank system, this could be a process as simple as shutting a lid and blowing the inert gas through tank for a period of time. Another route that can be used is vacuum purging in which vacuum is used to pull out the air in system andreplace it with nitrogen. This is the recommended method buy Mike, but it requires a system to have a vacuum source, and properly rated vessels and equipment.

When designing a chemical pilot plant it is best to take your time and specify the proper vessels and purge strategy up front. This will be a big relief when implementing said strategy down the road.

For more information EPIC’s chemical plant design, pilot plant and distillation capabilities, click here. You can also talk directly to Mike or another EPIC Chemical engineer by calling EPIC today at 314- 845-0077.

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