With the collaboration of astute minds and incalculable amounts of elbow grease, EPIC has delivered a number of successful systems this year. With the New Year just around the corner, it is a good time to reflect the fresh batch of skids and pilot plant systems that have been through the EPIC doors these past twelve months.
Above is the largest pilot plant that was completed by EPIC’s modular process team this year. This plant is capable of producing a new formulation that replaces an asphalt additive with a bio-base polymer. While that may be it’s main purpose, this plant is not limited by the formulations that it was designed for in lab-scale. This gives the client versatility for future projects and formulas for years to come.
It is always an honor for EPIC to work with repeat clients. Here is an example of the series of safety shut-off skids that were designed and constructed for a valve, steam and instrumentation controls consultant that discontinue pumping fuel into systems when their pressure goes beyond designed parameters.
Lastly, here is and sneak peak of the double batch mixing pilot plant that is currently being assembled and tested in our EPIC shop. This plant recently underwent CE Evaluations and is scheduled to be finished and shipped by our quality assurance team by the end of the year.
While it’s important to look back upon this year’s successes, it is as important now as ever for EPIC to forge forward and make our mark in pilot plant design and technology. If you are looking to improve your process and find better solutions to your production needs, contact EPIC today.